Resolving incorrect customer or device mapping

If, after completing the Device Discovery Wizard for a Device Discovery batch, a device or customer is incorrectly mapped, you must edit the Autotask organization or device to resolve the problem.

To change or un-map a customer or device mapping:

  1. Access the Autotask Organizations or Devices search using the Autotask menu.

For Organization: CRM > Search > Organizations

For Devices: CRM > Search > Devices

  1. Search for the item that has been incorrectly mapped.
  2. In the Search Results table, right-click the Organization or Device and select Edit Organization or Edit Device.
  3. In the Edit Organization or Edit Device window, click the User Defined tab.

The customer ID or device ID mapped to the organization or Device appears in a User-Defined Field.

The Customer or Site ID UDF is labeled [Monitoring Service Name] Site ID or [Monitoring Service Name] Customer ID.

The Device ID UDF is labeled [Monitoring Service Name] Device ID.

  1. Edit or clear the Monitoring Service UDF field and click Save & Close.

NOTE  If you clear the field, the customer/site or device is no longer mapped. If the customer/site or device appears again in a device discovery batch, it must be remapped.

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